Thursday, August 22, 2019

Exotic Dancers Among Highest Cosmetics Consumers

 Beauty supplies serve a variety of ages, races, sexes, and creeds. Beauty is something a lot of women care about and don't have a problem spending their hard-earned money on. Consumption of beauty products has not slowed, albeit a terrible economic condition here in the United States has hurt the life savings of most Americans.

However, one niche just keeps on earning. You may hear the term "sin stocks" from time to time. These are stocks and equities that people refer to as recession-proof. Often times, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and anything to do with pornography and gambling fit into this category. Well, after interviewing several prominent Miami strip club goers, it's apparent the exotic dancers are still making and spending wads of cash. They tend to spend this cash on beauty supplies and make-up, skin moisturizers, and wrinkle creams. If you think about it, it all makes sense.

If you are in that industry, adult entertainment, you must look your best at all times. Looking good normally would equate to making more money due to your perceived beauty. Of course, if you are in that industry you must have great skin. Skin moisturizing creams are a must, and application must take place more then the average person in order to raise the bar and show that you are among the most attractive people in the club. This way, customers buy dances and companionship from you and you earn more money. It's really a simple formula.

Many of the older dancers are said to myrtle beach exotic dancers creams before they go on stage. Of course, covering up facial wrinkles, crows feet, and deep face wrinkles is important if you are performing in front of several people. It's important to look like a young person, while having the mindset of a savvy veteran.

Make-up and skin care products like foundation cream, skin smoothing cream, body butter, and sea salts of course all fit into this category. Even with the economy in turmoil, women are always trying to look their best. And of course, there are always the metrosexual men in the scene as well. Metrosexual men spend just as much as women sometimes, constantly adding skin creams and moisture to their skin and always adding some sort of lotion after working out at the gym. Men can be big consumers of skin care products, when marketed to correctly.

Several companies have marketed products to men in recent years, and men are catching on to the fact that their skin needs their attention. Many men are too brash and bold to accept the face that they need to take care of their skin on a daily basis. However, some men are finally getting the point and understanding that they need to take good care of their skin.

The economy may be in a bad position right now, but people still want to look beautiful. If you have any doubts to this, visit your local late night dancing establishment and check out how much money is spent on beauty products. The numbers may astound you!

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